2011年9月3日 星期六

don't push me around!

I hate to burst your bubble. "burst one' s bubble "”打破幻想”或"潑人冷水"
A: I dream of going to study at Princeton University. 我夢想能到普林斯頓讀書。
B: I' m sorry to burst your bubble, but your grades are too low. You'll never get accepted to Princeton. 我抱歉我打碎你的美夢,你成績太差,普林斯頓不會錄取你的。
I' m feeling a little left out. "left out "”被冷落了”
例句: I felt left out when my friends forgot to invite me to the party. Lily他們聚會沒請我,我覺得自己被遺忘了.
I'm sharp. "sharp "”注意力很集中,腦袋很靈光”
You need to be sharp when you negotiate. 你談判的時候你可要注意力集中啊.
Are you still trying to pull something on me? "pull sth on sb "”蒙,欺騙”
I caught them trying to pull something on me in the meeting. 他們騙我的事讓我在會議上當場逮到。
You can just push around. "push around "”把......呼來喚去,擺佈”
例句: The company is getting pushed around by competitors. 公司正被對手擠兌.
”Hey! Don't push me around。
The two arepretty much the same. pretty much, 幾乎
例句:The result of the ballot is pretty much what we expected.投票的結果和我們預料的差不多。
