2011年9月3日 星期六


HTC has always made good products, but last year they put out their best smartphone designs yet, and they’ve continued to impress. The HTC brand has also become more well known through their work with tech heavyweights such as Microsoft, Google and Facebook.

2. Will HTC be able to keep that pace of growth in the next year?
Tough call.HTC is in smartphones and tablets, two of the fastest growing product segments in the world. The company is also performing very well with great phone designs and new initiatives for the future. But the mobile phone industry is cutthroat. The better you get, the more your rivals gun for you.

HTC has one advantage over Apple it will soon exploit. It puts out multiple products designed for different kinds of consumers.!  The HTCFlyer has a 7-inch touchscreen, it fits in your coat pocket, is versatile (多元) and rugged(堅固, 原意:厚毯子). The company’s next tablet, which is already in the works, will have a 10.1-inch screen.
